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Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project



The HEET Project steering Committee

The Institutional HEET Project Steering Committee of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) is an Institutional body aimed to provide overall support for the implementation of the World

Bank's Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project on campus. The Committee is an instrument which works to ensure that project objectives are achieved as per the implementation schedule. The composition, duties and responsibility of the Institutional Project Steering Committee is provided under Article 6 (2) of the Grant Agreement; and its responsibilities are specifically to provide an oversight role in project execution.

The committee is responsible with assessing and approving quarterly project and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) reports for onward transmission to internal institutional organs before submission to the Ministry, using the prescribed project reporting tool. It also assesses and approves detailed and timeline-bound annual work plans. It is also responsible for reviewing and approving expenditure reports and additional fund applications. In addition, the committee holds quarterly meetings or as the need may arise; and ensures and provides evidence, in conjunction with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), that project implementation and reporting are participatory and inclusive in nature.

The committee also exercises a supportive and guidance role to the PIU and does cause administrative or bureaucratic delays to HEET Project; and plays an oversight role and monitors performance of project activities and in particular the performance of the PIU and makes decisions that support the PIU and increases implementation efficiency. It reviews and makes decisions on deviation/reforms of project support documents for effective attainment of Project Objectives in relation to the Grant Agreement, Program Appraisal Documents and Project Operational Manuals; and reviews and approves quarterly and annual project implementation progress.

The chairperson of the committee is the UDSM Vice Chancellor, Prof. William A. L. Anangisye and the members include the three UDSM Deputy Vice Chancellors: Prof. Bernadeta Killian (DVC-Planning, Finance and Administration), who is also the UDSM-HEET Coordinator; Prof. Bonaventure Rutinwa (DVC-Academic) and Prof. Nelson Boniface (DVC-Research). Other members include two former UDSM Deputy Vice Chancellors-Administration namely Prof. Yunus Mgaya, and Prof. David Mfinanga; the Chief Executive Officer of the Contractors Registration Board, Dr. Samson Matiku, and the Universal Communications Service Access Fund (UCSAF) (UCSCAF) Director of Operations, Eng. Albert Richard.

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