Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project
IAC members are appointed based on position/expertise/experiences that enable them or their organizations to influence delivery of core functions of UDSM. It is expected that the appointed members will be the topmost members such as owners/ chairpersons of the companies who influence or have final decisions within their organization or within the industry.
IAC Members selection criteria
IAC members are appointed based on position/expertise/experiences that enable them or their organizations to influence delivery of core functions of UDSM. It is expected that the appointed members will be the topmost members such as owners/ chairpersons of the companies who influence or have final decisions within their organization or within the industry. IAC members shall be experienced professionals engaged across Tanzania’s industries of relevance to the programs on offer at the respective thematic cluster and its academic unit.
An optimal size and composition of the IAC members should ensure that the aim of its establishment is achieved. There are recommended categories of substantive members and invitees forming the composition of the AIC. For the substantive members category, they should be professionals; from regulatory bodies; alumni; potential employers; from research institutions; gurus in the area from any other institution; academic units’ representatives; and senior faculty representative. For the invitees members category, they include Department Heads and Student representatives from the participating academic units.
Generally, the composition of the IAC members is expected to ensure diversity, gender balance, and inclusivity. The committee shall be made up of at least 10% alumni of the respective cluster who are currently employers. Importantly, the leadership of the IAC consists of a chairperson, deputy chairperson and secretary all appointed by the Chancellor. While the chairperson is a member from outside the University, the deputy chairperson and secretary are appointed from among heads of academic units of the University.